Koh Phangan – 7 tips on when to come and how to plan your stay

Main Banner - On a Hammock - Asia - Digital Nomad - Thailand - Koh Phangan - when to stay - holidays - guide - weather - transport - prices

In this article I will try to briefly present the most important information about the island of Koh Phangan, including: about the seasons – in which months it is worth visiting, the route – how to get to the island, costs – living, stay. But before I begin, repeat after me…

I solemnly swear that if I decide to come here,
I promise to conform to the harmony that prevails here.

Thailand is a very safe country with low crime. The main faith is Buddhism (90% of the population), followed by tolerance and respect for other faiths, minorities (including the LGBTQIA community). 

1. Interesting facts about Koh Phangan – discover the island’s magic

Hippie vibes and harmony – Koh Phangan is a haven for those seeking peace and freedom. Surrounded by friendly people and a laid-back atmosphere, it’s easy to feel part of this incredible community where respect and empathy are the norm.

Freedom and tranquility – this is the place where you’ll find true freedom and harmony. Perfect for anyone looking for peace, balance, and the chance to be yourself amidst stunning natural beauty.

Yoga, meditation, tantra, and breathwork hub – the island is a major destination in Thailand for practitioners of these disciplines. There are numerous professional centers offering not only group classes but also certified courses for future teachers.

Waterfalls and viewpoints – the island boasts numerous genuine natural treasures.

A different dimension of entertainment – numerous events and parties are held here, from electronic music at cliffside clubs to live music with open mic sessions.

Related articles:

2. Weather – which months to plan a vacation on Koh Phangan.

I have lived here for 7 months, so I base my suggestions on this period, plus recommendations from friends who have lived here longer.

Thailand’s climate is divided into two periods, namely: the dry season and the rainy season.

The best months to visit Koh Phangan are December, January, February, and March. During these months, the temperature is optimal, humidity is lower, and there is practically no rainfall. In the months of April, May, June, and July, it is warmer, and rainfall occurs sporadically and usually lasts around… 1-2 hours. However, there are fewer tourists, so I also recommend visiting during this period.

June☀️ ☂️
July☀️ ☂️


The dry season in Thailand:

The dry season lasts from December to March – that is, during the winter in Europe. The climate during this period is the most optimal – a bit lower temperatures, on average 27 – 29°C,no or sporadic rainfall, lower humidity.

The rainy season in Thailand:

The rainy season lasts from April to Novemberhigher temperatures, but still bearable, averaging 30 – 31°C, high humidity, rainfall optimal in the first months, apogee occurs in November.

moderate peak
April – August September – November December – March
29 – 31 °C 27 – 29 °C
much lower
occasional, a few minutes a day frequent, intensive rare
fewer tourists, quieter vibe, lower prices, lots of events, parties few tourists, very low prices, fewer events, November excluded from social life many tourists, peak prices, lots of events, parties

recommendation on the
 reasons to visit Thailand: Personally, I prefer the off-season because we avoid crowds of people, so you can actually come to relax, concentrate on yourself and spend this time simply in peace. The cost of living is generally low, but during the rainy season it is 30-70% lower.

3. Transport to Koh Phangan – how to get there

Koh Phangan Island is located in the south of Thailand. It is an island with no land connection, so no matter what mode of transportation you choose – you will ultimately have to reach the port and take a ferry. I recommend purchasing tickets for all transportation connections through the safe and popular South Asian website: 12go.asia.

3.1. How to Get to Koh Phangan from Surat Thani

There is no airport or road connection from Surat Thani to Koh Phangan. Therefore, the only possible form of transportation is by ferry or speedboat.

As I mentioned above, it’s best to buy ferry or speedboat tickets through 12go.asia. During the season, traffic increases, so I recommend buying in advance to avoid queues at the ticket office.

Day route: 2.5 – 5.5 hours
Night route: 7 – 10 hours

Night Ferry from Surat Thani to Koh Phangan:

Depending on the season, the last daytime ferry from Surat Thani is at 5:30 PM. However, there is also a night ferry available at 23:00.

Where does the night ferry to Koh Phangan depart from? Link do the map.

3.2. How to Get to Koh Phangan from Koh Samui, Koh Tao?

Similar to Surat Thani, the only possible transportation between Koh Phangan and the islands of Koh Tao and Koh Samui is by ferry or speedboat. Tickets are available on 12go.asia.

Day route: 1 – 2.5 hours

3.3. How to Get to Koh Phangan from Bangkok?

There are two smaller airports nearby: Surat Thani and Koh Samui. However, international flights to these small airports are relatively expensive, so I suggest the following route:

Poland – Bangkok Koh Samui (or)Surat Thani – Koh Phangan.

The best way to travel from Bangkok to Koh Phangan is by a combination of plane, bus, and ferry.

Bangkok Surat Thani / Koh Samui Port Koh Phangan
Bus / Train
Combinated ticket for 12go.asia

b) bus + bus + ferry

The bus journey takes approximately 6-7 hours and runs in the evening/night. There is air conditioning, and planned stops are made at locations where hot meals are served.

c) train + bus and ferry

Land transportation takes 10 – 13h, with a sleeping option, as long as you buy your ticket at least a few days in advance, after that the beds are sold out. Personally I travelled by modern coach, today I would have bought the plane but for the numerous late transfers and fatigue.

There is an additional hidden plus in this option. When purchasing a ticket on 12go.asia, you can buy a combined transport ticket, which includes a coordinated trip from Bangkok to Koh Phangan (bus to Surat Thani, transfer from Surat Thani to the port, and ferry to Koh Phangan). Seemingly the distances between the port and the city are short, but you’ll be tired dreaming of a shower, so looking for transport will just be a hassle, and you never know if you’ll be late somewhere (going on your own).

Conditions on the train with sleeping options:

My recommendation:

Flights: Poland – Bangkok – Surat Thani / Koh Samui +
(Combined ticket) coaches + ferry: Surat Thani airport – Lomprayah Tapee Pier – Koh Phangan

Where to buy tickets to Koh Phangan

Be sure to buy your tickets at 12go.asia – The site is secure, translated into English, with the possibility of buying combined tickets (security of getting everywhere on time).

In addition, install the Grab app – the equivalent of Uber, I have not had the unpleasantness, but it is rumored that classic cabs in Thailand rip off tourists.

4. Visa - Entry Formalities for Thailand

A visa is required to stay in Thailand. Depending on the length of stay, we have several options, for simplicity I will describe 2:

(a) visa on arrival – this is a visa on issued at the checkpoint at the border when you arrive in Thailand

  • short stay up to 60 days***
  • 30-day extension possible*
  • available for 64 countries CHECK LIST
  • additional requirements:
    • Passport valid min. another 6 months
    • minimum 2 blank pages in passport
    • accommodation address in Thailand
    • return air ticket**
    • Word processor proof of minimum THB 10 000 = USD 286

(b) tourist visa – this is issued online after application or directly at the Thai embassy

  • longer stay up to 60 days
  • may be extended by another 30 days
  • additional requirements:
    • Passport valid min. another 6 months
    • minimum 2 blank pages in passport
    • accommodation address in Thailand
    • return air ticket**
    • proof of minimum THB 20 000 = USD 571
Time: 60 days*** 60 days
Extension: 30 days 30 days
Funds in account: THB 10,000 20,000 THB

| List of Thai embassies<- Check the conditions for your country

c) Visa run / border run – this is the process of extending your stay after the expiration of the aforementioned visas.
  • The procedure involves crossing the border of Thailand with the border countries: Malaysia, Burma, Cambodia, Laos Thailand and re-entering Thailand.
  • Border run – you cross the border, return to Thailand the next day (preferably 2 – 3 days later), and repeat the visa on arrival process: 60 days*** + possible extension of 30 days.
  • Visa run – as above, but from any country. You go to the Thai Embassy in the country and apply for a visa for 60 days. Later also possible extension of 30 days.
*After your visa has expired you can extend your stay by another 30 days at the Immigration office (1900 THB = 55 USD)
** Airline ticket confirming that you will fly out of the country before the expiry of your visa. In my case, no one checked either the ticket or the funds in the account.
hange from 30 days to 60 days, effective from July 1, 2024.

ATTENTION! Be sure to present proof of departure within the visa period (on arrival up to 60 days, tourist visa up to 60 days).

5. Thailand: what you need to know

Currency, card payments, ATM withdrawals.

The conversion rate is very simple, 100 BAT (THB) equals USD 3.

You operate with denominations:

  • paper: 20, 50, 100, 1000
  • coins – possible change from 7 eleven

Payments mainly in cash, in a few places (the more expensive ones) the possibility of payment by card, including a certain minimum purchase amount. For example, in the most popular mini-market chain – 200 THB = USD 5,7

ATM withdrawals:

Fees are charged, often double!

  • amount fee for withdrawal from a foreign account about THB 250 (PLN 30).
  • % fee for currency conversion and withdrawal at your bank
  • maximum you can withdraw 30,000 THB = USD 857, while the (Thai) fee is always the same, so I recommend withdrawing max, not small amounts
  • foreign banks charge extra fees for withdrawals on weekends
  • Revolut withdrawals are mega expensive!

Recommendation: Purchase part of your funds for the stay in Thai Baht directly. .

Are vaccinations required when flying to Thailand?

No, vaccinations for diseases and COVID-19 or negative tests are not required in Thailand. There are no vaccination requirements for other diseases, BUT it is recommended to be vaccinated for:

  • typhoid
  • rabies (selected groups of people)
  • Japanese encephalitis
  • tetanus

Personally, I didn’t get vaccinated; they are simply expensive. I’ve lived here for six months and nothing has gotten me.

What is the time zone in Thailand?

What time is it? There is a 6h difference between Germany and Thailand. That is, at 3 pm in Poland, it is 9 pm in Thailand. At the same time… we are currently in the year 2566.

Internet / Phone – SIM card and data package.

You need a SIM card because roaming is very expensive, uneconomical.

You have two options for buying a card:

(a) at the airport – very expensive
b) at the 7 Eleven market store, which are on every corner. You only need a passport, to register the card.

There are several networks available, I use Truth, with a package for 230 THB (USD 6,7) for 10 GB for 30 days. (You pay extra for the SIM card, I think).
Unfortunately, in terms of Internet speed on the island, it’s lousy. But in “mid-range cafes” it is acceptable.

What to watch out for?

  • jellyfish can harm you – stings
  • don’t touch monkeys – they bite, steal
  • while swimming, snorkeling – be careful with corals, it’s easy to cut your feet

Safety and the LGBTIQ community:

Is it safe in Thailand? YES. Both in general and for the LGBTIQ community. Thailand is very tolerant; it is, after all, known for its Lady Boys. So there are no dangers.

Related articles:

6. Koh Phangan - accommodation, where and in what location to look for accommodation / hotel.

I want to note that I’m describing this from the perspective of the northwest part of the island, as I live here and am more familiar with the prices.

When planning to come, I suggest avoiding the area around the full moon, because during this period the prices of accommodation, transportation, single-track rental increase. Full Moon Party is a large monthly event (in my opinion terrible…, there are others better). It generates a lot of traffic on the island for 3 days or so, prices increase by up to 100%. So keep this in mind when choosing your arrival date.

I would divide the island for 2:

a) the western-northern part – for rejuvenation and recreation, life balance 🙂
b) south – the party part, organised groups of young people.

In part a) i.e. north-west and west-central there are numerous centres for yoga, meditation, breathing, tantra, detox and so on I could go on and on. This is the ‘quieter‘ part of Phangan, where the atmosphere is a little different to the south. The community here is very mindful of the quiet after midnight. with most venues with live music or beach parties running until around 1:30. 1:30.

In part (b), i.e. the south, you will meet larger groups of tourists, mainly focused on nightlife and partying, including the Full Moon Party.

My recommendation: If you want a balanced stay, are traveling with family, and wish to attend yoga classes, etc. – choose the north-west or central part.

What influences the price of accommodation?

As I have mentioned several times, in high season and around the Full Moon Party prices are much higher, but still for the price of leisure or living in Europe, they are very low.

  • season, off-season
  • Full Moon Party area
  • length of stay – the longer, the better the price and the possibility to negotiate
  • AC – i.e. air conditioning available
  • location, including whether the location is on the beach, at the waterfront or in the middle of the island (the closer to the water – more expensive, the middle of the island – jungle, cheaper)
  • whether there is a kitchen, and usually there is only a kettle and fridge (most only eat out)

Based on the south-west and central parts. Low to mid-range options available for rent and indicative prices: private room in resort complexes geared towards the short term:

  • Private room in resort complexes, oriented to short term: 8,000 – 20,000 THB (USD 228 – 571)
  • Private room or bungalow in wellness, yoga centers: 15,000 – 25,000 THB (USD 429 – 714)
  • private bungalow (long-term rental): 8,000 – 20,000 THB (250 – 624 USD)

+ in additional: the above prices usually do not include the electricity charge, which depends on the use of AC. And the cost ranges from THB 500 (= USD 14, without using AC) to THB 2,000 (= USD 57, with frequent use of AC).

Where to look for a hotel, accommodation?

If you are planning a short stay of 2-3 weeks, it makes the most sense to look on popular apps like Booking. However, if you have the time and want to save some moneyFacebook groups.

group 1
group 2

With patience, searching for a long-term rental bungalow and checking offers daily for a few days, I found a private bungalow with a kitchen, bathroom, AC, and weekly cleaning for 11,000 THB + 500 THB for electricity = 11,500 THB (364 USD). And here’s the view from my bungalow, where I’ve been living for 4 months:


Short stay – Booking or other platform.

Longer stay: buy a stay of a few days as above, then make an appointment in person and visit the establishments offered on Facebook.

As always online though it is safe here – check the person you communicate with on Facebook about accommodation. Check:

  • date of joining Facebook
  • the person’s previous posts on the group and the comments below them
  • whether the profile looks credible (photos, friends)
  • take receipts for payments (usually everything is without contracts)
  • when renting from foreigners be careful – they must have the right permits, safer from Thais
  • be careful with AC, once I paid USD 86 for a month’s electricity consumption, now 500

7. transportation on the island (no public transportation).

In Thailand, traffic drives on the left side of the road.. An international driving permit is required.. The police won’t stop you without a reason, in six months I saw 1 patrol.


Only applies to transport from the port to your destination.

The average cost of a taxi is 300 THB (USD 8,5) you can bargain up to 250 / 200 depending on whether you are going alone or with someone and how far. As you leave the port you will be accosted by many drivers, ask a few about the prices and bargain down to 50 THB


It is the regular type of transportation on the island. It is mandatory to ride with a helmet on a scooter. CAUTION – be warned, every week friends have accidents, ride carefully. The easiest way to have an accident is through sand on the road and occasional potholes.

In the city by the port, renting a scooter will be much more expensive, it is better to rent a unicycle a little further away – but it all depends on the season and the location you are heading to.

day: 250 – 300 THB 8 – 10 USD
MONTH 1/30 100 – 150 3 – 4,5 USD


day 700 – 1500 THB 22 – 48 USD
month 1/30

Rental recommendation 1: link

Rental recommendation 2: link

Recommendation: Always take pictures of the equipment you receive, just in case. I do not recommend a car because driving here is slow and inconvenient. Additionally, you miss out on the pleasure of riding through the jungle with the wind in your hair.
If you are travelling with children – the obvious choice.

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